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Nature 463, 1009 (2010)

German paper chase to end


Funding agency cuts number of publications needed for grant applications.
Sometimes less is more — at least in grant proposals. That's the hope of the DFG, Germany's main research-funding agency, which plans to drastically restrict the number of papers that researchers can list in their grant applications.

From July, someone applying for a year's funding will be able to include only two publications closely related to the proposed project and a maximum of five other papers illustrating their scientific career. The agency hopes that the new rules will help ease the burden on reviewers faced with vast publication lists, and counter the pressure on scientists to publish as many papers as possible in order to win funding or academic appointments. "It is quality, not quantity, which matters," says Matthias Kleiner, president of the DFG.
从7月开始,申请年度基金,申请者可以只列出跟项目申请相关的2篇发表论文,最多不能超过5篇显示其研究生涯的代表论文。DFG希望这个新举措能减轻评阅人面对巨大的论文列表时的负担,并且抵制科学家为了赢取基金或者学术职位而需要尽可能多地发表论文的压力。“是质量重要,而不是数量重要。”DFG主管 Matthias Kleiner 说。

But some fear that the new rules might deprive reviewers of crucial information, particularly in fields with high publication rates, such as molecular biology. "As a reviewer I am reliant on getting all the information," says Benedikt Grothe, dean of biology at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. "And as an applicant I find it dissatisfying not to be able to cite all the papers that I think reviewers should be aware of."
但是有人担心,这个新举措会让评阅人无法获得关键性信息,特别是在那些发表率很高的领域,比如分子生物学。“作为评阅人,我依赖于获得所有的信息,”慕尼黑 Ludwig Maximilian 大学生物系主任 Benedikt Grothe 说。“而且作为申请人 ,我发现如果我不能引用所有的我认为评阅人知道的论文,这是令人不满的。”

The DFG — which controls an annual budget of more than €2 billion (US$2.7 billion) and funded about half of its 23,000 grant applications last year — is the first funding agency in Europe to cap citations in this way. In the United States, similar rules apply to grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF). But the DFG's plan goes a step further: it will not consider supporting papers that have been submitted to academic journals but not yet accepted for publication. The move aims to counter problems with seemingly impressive publication lists that were brought to light last year when members of a DFG-funded Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) at the University of Göttingen were reprimanded for including unfinished manuscripts in grant applications
DFG —— 该组织控制的年度预算为20亿欧元(27亿美元),每年资助23000份基金申请中的大约一半左右——它是欧洲首家以这种方式限制引用的基金机构。在美国,自然科学基金 (NSF)也采用了类似的措施。但是DFG的措施走的更远:它不考虑支持那些投稿给学术杂志但尚未被接收的论文。该举措的目的是避免去年被揭发的问题,当时一个在哥廷根大学的DFG资助的合作研究中心(SFB)的成员被谴责在基金申请书中加入未完成的论文,以表面上使其发表论文列表令人印象深刻。

(参看 Nature 460, 791; 2009).




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